How A Capsule Wardrobe & An App Helped My Anxiety Big Time

I, a pathological clothes collector, got rid of 90% of
my wardrobe and it was the best anti-anxiety decision ever;
the ah-mazing wardrobe organizer app that helped me;
I admit that it’s not for everyone

I love clothes. Let me repeat that for emphasis. I lu-hu-hu-HUUUUUV clothes.

Not sure how to say that in a way that sufficiently conveys my deep, emotional connection to those glorious pieces of fabric joined together to protect our bodies from the elements.

Still, the affection I had for my garments (many of them I constructed myself) did not stop me — approximately 8 months ago — from donating 14 large moving boxes full of them to the Goodwill. Percentage-wise, that was about 90% of my wardrobe, and I’m still not finished paring down. If you’d told me a year ago that I’d be doing such a thing, I’d have scoffed.

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The All New Incurable Homebody: DIY For the Socially Awkward

dad’s words of wisdom, the rebirth of the blog,
how crafting helps my social anxiety and
maybe it can help yours

Saturday, August 26th, was my dad’s 73rd birthday. To honor the occasion, my younger sister Liesl and her husband Kenny threw a celebratory lunch at their apartment. Though I didn’t make it for the meal (I’ve got dietary restrictions up the wazoo), Continue reading

A Whole New Incurable Homebody Coming Soon!

why I’ve decided to relaunch the blog,
accepting social anxiety as a fact of life

I’ve allowed this site to lay dormant for so long. Partly due to analysis paralysis. Mostly due to trusty ol’ self doubt. But you know what? I’m forging ahead — self-doubt notwithstanding. In fact, I’ve actually decided to make that a focus of the site, along with social anxiety and his sidekick social awkwardness. You can run, my pesky lifelong companions, but you can no longer hide.

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